Thursday, November 8, 2007

Reading & Writing Class - my chalenge or my pleasure?

The activity using the book "Charlie and Chocolate Factory" has been a very interesting work, and the vein, a challenge. By the way, all ESL classes are a challeng for me. I have been working hard and I hope improving my English as much as I can.
I can easily understand the book, but I don't understand the details. So, I need to use the dictionary. I know Kristi asks us all the time not to do this, but I think is very, very good to understand all that is written.
When I'm reading I connect parts of the history with real life, but not necessarily my life. Of course the author puts a strong meaning in parts of the book, in fact he overdoes, but even so it's very possible to reflect about the things he "says".
In class we can analyze in group the history under several ways, but I'm not sure if we're going to make the same effort as we did in the first day we used the book. I like to work with my group. All of us have been participating in a positive way until now.
I wish we had time to use another book in class. It's a very good way to learn new vocabulary, to analyze the history deeply and to check grammar

1 comment:

Early Crow said...

Hi sarah you are an special woman and dedicated too. I admire you a lot for you first, for your family and the way you feel things. So, you have qualities that I'd even dream to have. I know you have a virtue that can be either well or bad as well. That is you are sensitive ir sensible person. In spanish of course I have the exact word, but in English maybe not. Anyway, I'm reading your interesting comments. thanks for your help. I hope see you in christmas if could be, I'm going to be here a little bit alone....bbut Iknow i going to find people for to spend great including you of course.
See you in class