Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Last saturday was my daughter's birthday. She is 17 now. She is a very, very beautiful girl, and I'd like to put one of our pictures together here, on my blog, but she said to me: "Mom, absolutely not!". So, I didn't do it.

I began to celebrate her birthday on friday. I invited her to have lunch here, at the University. As she don't know the University we could go to Den, and after we'd go to the bookstore (a place which I like), and to the hairstylist saloon, too. But we changed our mind, at the last minute, and went to the other retaurant. Guilherme, her brother, wanted to go with us. Also my husband and his son (the stepbrother of Renata).
We had a great time! Everybody was happy and the meat was wonderful.

But we continued on celebrating. On saturday we had a barbecue dinner with all family. Everybody was from Brazil, so my husband and I drank a very special kind of drink very famous in my country called "caipirinha". Delicious!

Renata use part of Sunday shopping at Chinook bying her gifts. When she arrived I had prepared her favorite dinner: pizza! I prepared 6 types of different pizzas. She loved and so do we. I made, also, a chocolate cake.
We sang the traditional song for birthday and, at last, the celebrations were finished.


Vicky~* said...

Wow It sounds wonderful for your family~^^ I wonder about your daughter! It's too late but I want to say that happy birthday to her! She is so lucky because she has a really great mother like you!^^

yapy said...

I can feel your family is happy. Actually, I missed my family because My mother's birthday is next Thursday. I agree with Vicky, your daughter has a really great mother.

Moni said...

Sarah, congratulations!!
I notice that you are a joined family, it is wonderful to have time together. I hope your daughter had a nice day, an i think she received so many gifts.